
Wenxiang Ying

Wenxiang Ying joined Huo group in 2020. He received his B.S. degree in Chemical Physics from University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) in 2020, with the undergraduate thesis titled as "A preliminary study on optimizing the computational accuracy of density functional method on intermolecular interactions through machine learning" under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Xiao Zheng. In summer 2019, he had visited Prof. David Coker’s research group in Boston University for summer research internship about PLDM molecular dynamics method, and had then decided to choose theoretical chemistry for graduate research. Later he joined Prof. Yijing Yan’s research group in USTC and got experience in HEOM/DEOM approach for open quantum systems. 

In his graduate years, he’ll continue to study quantum dynamics methods as well as the various applications in molecular systems, condensed matter, etc. 

University of Science and Technology of China

B. S. in Chemical Chemistry 2020

University of Rochester

M. S. in Chemical Chemistry 2022